Ashtanga Yoga links breath and movement through a set sequence of postures. The sequence of postures is slowly memorized over time. Through this method each practitoner is able to move forward at a pace that is appropriate for their needs.
Ashtanga Yoga links breath and movement through a set sequence of postures. The sequence of postures is slowly memorized over time. Through this method each practitoner is able to move forward at a pace that is appropriate for their needs.
It is encouraged that you arrive 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled class time, giving yourself ample time to unroll your mat, lay out your towel, and settle your mind. You will find more success in your practice by honoring your needs and creating space in your day to show up for yourself. Classes start promptly on time and the doors will close 5 minutes after start of class, please plan your travel accordingly. For those taking online classes the same rules apply. For Mysore mornings please ensure you arrive no later the 8am.
The practice of Ashtanga Yoga is one of calming the fluctuations of the mind (Yoga Citta Vrtti Nirodah, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 1.2) One of the principle means of acheiving this goal is focusing on the breath. To support this goal silence is needed. If you need assistance with an asana or have questions, please use a nonverbal cue to signal a teacher. Your pateince is appreciated.
Hydration is a key part of keeping our bodies healthy. Please make sure you are drinking plenty of water the day before practice. No water bottles are allowed in the practice space and you are encouraged not to drink water during practice. Part of the practice is building heat(tapas) to remove toxins from our body. Drinking water inhibits this process and is a distraction from the meditative state of Ashtanga Yoga.
Commitment to the Yamas and, Niyamas are an intergral aspect of an Ashtanga Yoga practice. They are a series of moral codes guiding us towards critically evaluating how we treat ourselves and others and encouraging us to consciously choose how we direct our energy, words and actions. Furthermore the Ashtanga Yoga community is a community built on matri- kindness and compassion.
Please make sure your behaviors towards yourself, your practice, and others within this community is reflective of these principles Any behavior that opposes these principles is a hinderance to a spiritual practice. Please be advised that if you chose not to honor this sacred space you will be asked to leave.
Sauca, cleanliness, is the first of the Niyamas and an indispensable part of the practice. Please make sure you come to class having showered, with clean clothes, and a clean mat/towel. Please help create a space that upholds these standards. Showering before class is encouraged as it helps warm the body, loosen the muscles and lubricate the joints. If you arrive unclean or with unpleasant odors you will be asked not to take practice. Please be aware that with intense asana and breathing a heightened sense of smell is possible. Choose mild or unscented lotions and deodorants. Strong smells come out in sweat and can be a distraction. Thank You.
Soreness is not an excuse not to practice. In the first few weeks you will work muscles in patterns that may be foreign to your body, soreness is to be expected. Like all things with consistency your muscles will adapt. If you are sore this is a good thing, keep going.
Payment for classes can be made online using Master Card, Visa or cash. Payment must be made in full prior to taking class.
Students requesting a refund 24hrs prior to the start of class will recieve credit towards a future class of equal value. Refunds will not be provided once a student has attended class. Within 24hrs and up to 2hrs prior to class if you can not attend and communicate such a credit towards another class will be given. Any student not communicating at least 2hrs prior will be charged for that class.
In an effort to create a community of safety, as well as uphold Ahimsa and Sauca, you are asked not to attend in person classes if you are sick. However, you may still join classes virtually. It can be beneficial to practice a full or modified sequence when you are feeling unwell.
Please make sure you are seeking medical attention for any serious or chronic conditions. Your yoga practice is not a replacement for medical treatment.
Part of the Ashtanga Yoga Practice involves learning to be fully present in the now. Cellphones are a distraction and lead us away from our goal. Please do not bring your cellphone to class. Leave all cellphones outside the practice space and set them on vibrate, or better yet turn them off completely.
Mat Rental and Storage
Currently we are not offering mat rental or storage to students. We hope to provide loaner mats to students in the future.
With a consistent practice you will find that over time some of your eating habits and choices may change. It is encouraged that you do not eat a heavy meal prior to practice as it can become very uncomfortable once you start moving and breathing.
Note Taking
You are welcome to take notes during classes and discussion both in -person and virtually. Please use discriminative awareness as to where you place your note taking tools.
““the quieter you become the more you hear” Ram Dass ”