Strawberry Salsa

Strawberry Salsa

1 pint fresh straberries

1 -2 fresh limes

1-2 jalapenos

1/2 large red onion

1/2 bunch or more cilantro

1 tbs or more balsamic vinegar (optional)

  1. cut tops of strawberries off and slice in half - I slice mine down the middle then lay them on the flat end and dice to small size - but if you like your salsa a bit more chuncky cutting them into quaters also works

  2. finely dice the red onion

  3. de seed the jalalpenos and mince

  4. de stem your cilantro and chop coursely- I recently learned that if you mince it to fine you loose some of the flavor - Thanks Gordon Ramsey!

  5. Season with juice of one lime to start - personally I just squeeze the lime with my hands and let some of the pulp mix into the bowl a juicer works as well if you dont like pulp or dont want to get your hands all sticky

  6. add balsamic - salt and pepper - adjust to fit your taste preferences.

Watermelon Feta Salad

Watermelon Feta Salad

Banana Bread